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Code of conduct

First Things First

Reach out to the organizers if you feel harassed; we will help you. Contact any of the organizing team members anytime directly or via

We believe that all speakers and attendees deserve a safe and enjoyable environment during the running of the Data Platform Conference Switzerland conference. Data Platform Conference Switzerland has a code of conduct to make sure that rules are given so everyone may enjoy the conference to the fullest and without any harassment.

If any speaker or attendee is feeling unsafe or uncomfortable due to the presence of any person or past incidents with them, please report to the organizing team immediately. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behavior to the Data Platform Conference Switzerland organization team so we can address issues promptly.

The Data Platform Conference Switzerland team seeks to provide a respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate any behavior that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, religion (or lack thereof), disability, or technology choices, nor do we tolerate any behavior that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards, and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a safe and welcoming environment. Conference participants violating these rules may be expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers. Furthermore, we reserve our rights to ban individuals who are banned from other similar events.

Too Long? Do Read This:

To achieve the paragraphs above, the following is a non-exhaustive list of simple rules:

  1. Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy regardless of gender, race, religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, disability, appearance, technology choices, age, or any other reason. We do not accept any discrimination of any kind.
  2. Use welcoming and inclusive language.
  3. Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online.
  4. Do not be destructive or inflammatory.
  5. Gracefully accept constructive criticism.
  6. Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences.
  7. The organizing team has the right to warn any attendee or speaker.
  8. Conference participants violating these rules may be expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers. The organizing team has the final decision on actions and may exclude any misconducting person from the conference without giving any reason. Their decision is final.
  9. If necessary, we reserve the right to pass on names of those who violate our code of conduct to third parties, including law enforcement.
  10. We may ban individuals who are banned from other similar events.